Who am I?


No, wait…that’s some other guy.

I am a broadcasting professional from Chicago, Illinois and have been involved in radio broadcasting since I was 15, although, in fact, my passion for radio extends to a time well before that. As a radio historian, I have spent countless hours studying the days of the medium’s past, an interest that has manifested itself in both my Golden Age of Radio show that I hosted from 2007-2010 and can be found on the podcasts page on this site and an audio documentary I made about the same topic, which is located on the documentaries page.

Radio has been among my greatest interests since my youth and it is my sincere hope that my love for it has revealed itself in the work I have exhibited here.

At present, I have been the media relations director for the Windy City ThunderBolts baseball team of the independent Frontier League since 2010 and was their lead broadcaster until 2020. I broadcast soccer, volleyball, basketball, baseball and softball for UIC and the University of St. Francis and other high school and college events on a freelance basis.

I have also begun to collect a database of interviews – interrupted by a bug that’s been going around, but soon to return – with former Major League Baseball players, which are available on this site under the Podcast dropdown menu.

My greatest project has been Chicago’s Civil War, a documentary podcast that examines the Chicago baseball city series between the Cubs and White Sox that was played between 1903 and 1942. The series can be found under the documentaries page on this site.

I have provided, throughout this site, small snippets of my broadcasting career. Included are excerpts from my college and professional experience as well as some independent work. Please feel free to peruse any or all of it. Thanks for the interest and enjoy!

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